Author: meltonsupps


Building muscle is difficult. Even if you follow a fitness routine and you often choose healthier foods, you may not be seeing the results you want. If that’s the case, it’s time to consider adding muscle-building supplements to your diet. While these supplements won’t build your muscle for you, they will give you an extra boost of energy for more effective workouts.. Read on to discover which muscle-building supplements are best and how they can help improve your body composition.


Creatine is a naturally occurring amino acid that is found in the body. Creatine is used by the body to produce energy, particularly adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the main source of energy for muscle cells, and creatine helps regenerate ATP after it breaks down during intense exercise.

Because creatine makes more energy available to your muscles, it can improve strength and performance in high-intensity activities such as weight lifting or sprinting.

    Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs):

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are used to increase muscle mass and strength, reduce muscle breakdown, increase protein synthesis and metabolism, and improve recovery from exercise. BCAAs can be taken in the form of a supplement or as part of a meal or shake.

    Protein Supplements:

Protein powder is a supplement that can be used to increase your protein intake and help you gain muscle. It comes in several different types, including whey protein and casein. You can add the powder to smoothies or shakes, or mix it into yogurt for an easy meal replacement.

Protein powders contain essential amino acids—the building blocks of muscle tissue—so they’re a good way to get more of these nutrients if you don’t eat meat regularly.

There are many different protein supplements available, but some of the most popular are whey, casein and soy protein. Other protein supplements contain protein isolated from eggs, beef, chicken or other sources.

Research shows that adding extra protein via supplements causes slightly more muscle gain in people who exercise than adding extra carbs

However, the effects are probably largest for people who aren’t getting enough protein in their normal diet. The main benefit of using a supplement is that it can be taken before or after workouts to help you achieve your goals faster.


If you’re looking for a supplement to help you gain muscle, look no further than beta-alanine. Beta-alanine is a nonessential amino acid that helps reduce fatigue during exercise and has been shown to increase strength and lean muscle mass in trained athletes.

You can find beta-alanine supplements in powder form at most nutrition stores or online. It’s also found naturally in foods like fish, chicken and beef (though not nearly as much as people would like).

Citrulline Malate:

Citrulline malate is a type of amino acid found in watermelon, watercress and other foods. You can also take a supplement that contains it. It has been shown to increase muscle mass and strength during workouts, which means it may help you get bigger muscles faster. It’s also used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension).

    Caffeine and Caffeine-Containing Herbs and Extracts:

Caffeine is a stimulant that can increase endurance, alertness and energy levels. It can also increase heart rate and blood pressure.Caffeine is found naturally in coffee beans, tea leaves, cocoa beans and kola nuts (the nut of an African tree). It’s also added to some foods including energy drinks, soft drinks and chocolate bars. Caffeine can cause jitteriness or anxiety but it’s usually mild. Some people develop insomnia if they consume too much caffeine because it causes them to urinate more often at night.

You may not realize it, but your diet plays an important role in your overall muscle gain or loss. That’s why it’s important to eat a high-protein diet that contains all nine of the necessary amino acids. If you follow a healthy diet and exercise, certain supplements can help you gain muscle mass.

The protein in your body is essential for building muscle and other tissues. Protein is found in meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. Proteins are made up of amino acids—the building blocks of protein—and amino acid supplements can help you build more muscle faster by making sure you’re getting all the right nutrients to support this process


Supplements are a great way to meet your nutritional needs and get the nutrients you need for muscle growth. Melton Supps will help you gain muscle mass faster than diet alone. Remember, if you’re looking to gain weight, it’s always best to consult with your dietitian before starting any supplement regimen.

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Weight Loss Supplements Australia

Weight loss supplements can help in a variety of ways. It could be that you’re looking for an extra boost to your weight loss program, or it could be that you are looking for a new way to support your health and wellbeing goals. Whatever the reason, there are a number of different options available on the market today.

There are many reasons why people opt to use weight loss supplements. Some people want to lose a few pounds in a short space of time; others want to lose more than that, but over a longer period of time. Some people are looking for a holistic approach to health and wellbeing; others simply want to lose weight as quickly as possible without spending hours at the gym every week.

The use of weight loss supplements is often linked to a desire to lose weight quickly. But whether that’s true or not depends on the individual.

Weight loss is not simple for everyone, regardless of the underlying reasons. People’s metabolisms respond at different rates, so an exercise routine that helps you lose weight in a matter of weeks can take months for someone else. It might also be difficult to adjust to new eating and physical activity habits. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed during the process, but with the right tools in place, such as weight loss supplements, it becomes much more manageable.

    How do weight loss supplements work?
    Weight loss supplements work by:
    – Decreasing appetite
    – Reducing dietary fat absorption
    – Enhancing fat burning
    – Speeding up metabolism.

The most commonly used supplements for weight loss are:

Weight loss supplements are products that contain ingredients or compounds that help you lose weight. The most commonly used supplements for weight loss are:

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA): CLA (conjugated linoleic acid): This supplement contains linoleic acid, a polyunsaturated essential fatty acid that helps to reduce body fat while increasing muscle mass. However, studies have shown mixed results regarding its efficacy at helping with weight loss because it depends on dosage taken and type of CLA supplement used; specifically, research suggests that taking 3 grams daily may help reduce body fat while also increasing lean muscle mass when combined with exercise programs.

Green Tea Extract: Caffeine and catechins in green tea are associated with weight loss. These components work by reducing appetite, decreasing fat absorption, and increasing calorie and fat metabolism.

Green Coffee Bean Extract: This extract contains caffeine and chlorogenic acid. Caffeine burns fat, contributing to weight loss. On the other hand, chlorogenic acid reduces fat and glucose absorption in the gut. It also improves metabolic function by lowering insulin levels.

Whey Protein: Whey protein powder is known to encourage fat loss while preserving muscle tissue. The protein content helps one feel full, suppressing the urge to eat large meals or snacks regularly which leads to consuming fewer calories

Probiotics: Probiotics are known to help lose weight by altering gut bacteria which enhances nutrient absorption and increases energy expenditure.

Chitosan: Chitosan is a dietary fiber that reduces dietary fat absorption in the body.

Chromium Picolinate: Chromium is known to enhance the effect of insulin hormone that is necessary to convert food into fuel for energy. Chromium picolinate supplements are known to reduce appetite, burn more calories, increase lean muscle mass, and cut down body fat.

Inositol: Inositol is a sugar alcohol that helps reduce cholesterol levels and prevents heart disease by improving heart function. It also improves insulin sensitivity and reduces blood sugar levels which helps control weight gain or loss.

Weight loss supplements are everywhere these days, but which ones are right for you? If you’re looking for helpful tips on choosing the right supplement, contact us or visit Melton Supps store.

At Melton Supplements, we’re dedicated to helping you get the most out of your weight loss supplements. With our extensive product range and variety of support services, we’re here to help you make sure that you always have the tools that you need for a successful journey. From advice about which products will work best for you to ongoing guidance from our friendly staff, we’re here every step of the way.

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how to get abs

The 6-pack is the ultimate goal of most people who want to get in shape. But even if you’re already in great shape, it can be hard to reveal that shiny six pack underneath your fat.

But what if I told you that you can have a ripped midsection without ever stepping foot inside a gym? Well, it’s true! All it takes is some smart dieting and exercise to make your six pack pop.

I’ve created this list of common mistakes people make when trying to get a 6-pack, so you don’t make the same mistakes!

    Mistake #1 Skipping Ab Exercises

I’ll start with one of the biggest mistakes I see people make when they are trying to get a 6-pack, and that is skipping ab exercises. A lot of times when people want to get abs their first reaction is to go for a run or try some sort of cardio workout, but this isn’t going to help you get that 6-pack. You need to focus on training your core muscles, which will include your obliques (side abs) and lower abs. You can do these exercises in any order, but I suggest starting off with a 15 minute warm up like jumping jacks or jumping rope. Then move into some crunches or planks followed by side bends and twists. Remember not every workout needs to be heavy and intense so always keep it fun!

    Mistake #2 Dehydration

To start off the list, you are likely not drinking enough water throughout the day. Exercising, working in air conditioning, and/or working outdoors will dehydrate you, which can lead to two negative outcomes. The first downside of dehydration is poor recovery, as water is greatly needed for the absorption of vitamins, minerals, and electrolyte replacement. The second downside of dehydration is that it makes your body store more fat! When we are dehydrated our bodies increase their blood flow to our skin in an effort to aid in the cooling process. The problem is that this increased blood flow also brings more nutrients to our skin which leads to more fat storage!

    Mistake #3 Lack of Sleep

Lack of sleep has been linked to weight gain and poor recovery from exercise. Better Sleep allows for muscle growth by allowing for regeneration of muscle tissue during rest periods throughout the night (as well as a host of other benefits). If we don’t get enough sleep then we will not be able to get into optimal shape because our bodies are not fully repairing themselves after workouts and generally not functioning at their best level.

    Mistake #4: Eating Too Much Protein

This is another common mistake that many people make when trying to lose weight, and it has nothing to do with a lack of nutrients. Most people don’t realize that too much protein can actually prevent them from losing weight! When you consume too much protein, your body will convert some of it into sugar, which leads to fat storage.

This mistake often occurs when someone first starts working out or they have never been very active in their life before starting an exercise program. Protein is essential for building muscle mass but too much protein can cause bloating and other unwanted side effects such as constipation and nausea. The average person should aim for about 1 gram per pound of body weight, which for most people works out to be about 100 grams per day. That being said, if you’re more active than average (lifting weights three times per week) then adding another 10 grams per pound.

    Mistake #5 Not Eating Enough Carbohydrates

It’s true that carbs are often demonized in the diet world these days, but they are an essential part of our nutrition plan — especially if you want to get a six-pack! Carbohydrates give us energy and help us recover from exercise more efficiently. If you’re not eating enough carbs then you’ll be missing out on all those benefits.

    Mistake #6 Too Much Cardio

While cardio is important for fat loss (especially when paired with weight training), too much cardio can actually hinder your progress by burning muscle instead of fat! This is because doing long periods on an empty stomach (like first thing in the morning) causes cortisol levels to spike, which raises blood sugar levels quickly followed by a crash (which leads to more cravings). When this happens repeatedly over time, our bodies start to burn muscle instead because it’s easier for our bodies to do so than burn fat.

    Mistake #7 Not Eating Enough Protein

Protein is essential for building new muscle tissue and repairing damaged muscle fibers after workouts. This is why eating at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight is recommended by most fitness professionals in order to maintain lean muscle mass while losing body fat.

    Mistake #8 Over-Training

We’ve all heard this one before, but it’s a fact that too much exercise can actually produce more fat instead of less. That’s why it’s important to understand the role of rest days in your fitness schedule. Even if you’re not sore or tired from your previous workout, a day off here and there can significantly impact your results.

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Vitamins and minerals are crucial nutrients that support your body’s everyday processes. They are important for our immune system, energy levels and general wellbeing.

When you think of vitamins and minerals, you probably think of your mother’s nagging about eating your greens. But vitamin supplements are important for every age group—even the elderly. Although you can get most of the nutrients you need from a healthy diet, many people still don’t get enough vitamins and minerals. Taking a multivitamin supplement is an easy way to fill in the nutritional gaps in your diet and help improve your overall health and wellbeing.

When we don’t get enough of these essential vitamins and minerals, we can put our bodies in danger of developing chronic illnesses. This is why it’s so important to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle in order to encourage the intake of the vitamins and minerals your body needs to function at its best.

Melton Supps is a premier distributor of vitamins online. Our entire business has been built from the ground up on our great range of vitamins and minerals. Choose to buy vitamins online with us – it’s the easiest way to get your fix of quality, scientifically tested multivitamins and minerals!

Most people are unaware that vitamins and minerals are just as important for peak performance as macronutrients like protein, but at Melton Supps, we take vitamins and minerals very seriously. Taking a vitamin supplement is a quick and easy way to acquire your necessary dose of nutrients, which might be difficult to obtain from food alone.

Selections from our range are sure to improve your mood, energy levels, immune system and general wellness. You will notice the difference as you help protect yourself from viruses, disease and other ailments.


The basic function of Vitamin C is to maintain the collagen and elastin in our skin, which is what holds the skin together and gives it structure. It also aids in healing wounds, making it a must-have for any serious skin care regimen. Vitamin C is one of the few vitamins that can be made by our bodies if we consume enough of it – but only in small amounts (about 15 milligrams per day). Therefore, if you have a cold or another condition that causes your body to use up vitamin C faster than usual, then you may need to supplement your diet with extra doses of vitamin C in order to avoid deficiency symptoms such as scurvy (a bleeding disorder).

    How Does Vitamin C Work?

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects against free radicals — molecules created when we breathe oxygen into our bodies — from damaging our cells. Free radicals cause damage by stealing electrons from other molecules causing them to become “unstable” and potentially dangerous if left unchecked. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals by donating an electron so they can become stable again.


Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that has many health benefits. It is essential for bone health, and it helps keep your immune system in good shape. Vitamin D also plays a role in heart health and blood pressure regulation, as well as helping with weight loss.

Vitamin D is considered an anti-inflammatory nutrient because it helps reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation contributes to a wide variety of diseases, including heart disease and cancer.

One of the most important functions of vitamin D is its role in calcium absorption. Without proper levels of vitamin D, your body cannot absorb calcium properly from foods or supplements. Calcium is needed for strong bones and teeth, including healthy teeth enamel and strong bones that do not fracture easily.

Vitamin D also plays an important role in bone growth and development during childhood and adolescence. Without enough vitamin D during these critical periods, children can suffer from rickets (softening of the bones) or osteomalacia (softening of the bones). Children who lack sufficient vitamin D may experience delayed growth and development as well

    What does Vitamin D do?
    Vitamin D helps with:
    bone growth and strength
    muscle development
    immune system function
    cell growth and repair

Vitamin E is the beauty vitamin, to put it simply. It not only has a variety of health benefits, but it also adds gloss to skin and hair. Vitamin E can help moisturise your skin, grow your nails, soften and supple your lips, repair sunburn, fight premature ageing, and smooth split ends. Whew! It’s not just gossip; there have been a slew of skin-care research that back up these claims. According to one study, when Vitamin E is applied right before UV exposure, the skin becomes less red, puffy, and dry.


Ginseng is a powerful memory booster. In fact, studies have found that ginseng can even help improve cognitive abilities. This is because it stimulates the brain and improves concentration and cognitive activity.

It has also been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years as a way to boost energy levels, improve memory and protect against free radicals.

Ginseng is being trialled at the moment in helping Alzheimer’s disease. But its benefits don’t just stop there. If you have trouble remembering things, then adding ginseng to your diet can help you remember more things for longer periods of time.


When it comes to vitamins, Vitamin B is a bit of an all-rounder. It’s made up of the 8 B vitamins – B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12. Because there’s a huge range of different vitamins packed into this one, it has a huge range of benefits too.

One of the benefits of Vitamin B complex is that it helps the body make healthy new cells, which helps reduce stress levels on your body as new cells help protect the immune system. The B3 vitamin also produces HDL Niacin which has been found to treat acne. Like Vitamin E, the vitamin B7 found in vitamin B complex is also known as a ‘beauty vitamin’. This one helps promote healthy hair skin and nails.


Iron is an important mineral that is needed for all bodily functions. Without it, it’s pretty much impossible for your body to operate at its optimal level. Having a lack of iron can cause severe symptoms and can cause a decrease in overall health. However, it’s quite easy to replenish your iron levels through diet or supplements. Signs that you may be low in iron include; feeling weak, dizzy and headaches. The best way to prevent this from happening is by eating foods high in iron, such as: red meat, fish, chicken and grains. If you are worried about your iron levels talk to your doctor about the best way to fix it!


Zinc is a mineral that’s essential for our bodies. It’s found in everything from red meat and seafood, to nuts and beans.

It’s no surprise then that the World Health Organisation has listed Zinc as one of the 17 essential nutrients for human health and development.

Like a lot of other vitamins, Zinc has a huge range of health benefits not limited to fighting diabetes, balancing hormones, increasing the immune system, preventing diarrhoea and increasing fertility. It’s also been found to be a power anti-oxidant that may fight cancer. It has been particularly helpful in elderly patients, as it has the ability to support health cell division which in turn can prevent cancerous cell mutation and stunt tumour growth.

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